I enjoy spending time with my family.
And spending time with friends.
And being goofy.
And reading.
And traveling.
And strangely enough, I enjoy jumping.
And oh yeah, I enjoy working out, too.
It all began with headstands as a child! JK :)
Ever since I was a middle schooler, something about being fit and healthy was very appealing to me. Since then, I have become an avid fitness buff who enjoys that lifestyle fully and especially loves sharing how to be healthy with others, so I figured a blog is accessible for most and a simple way to share my knowledge and what I have learned through my journey.
Don't get me wrong. I certainly have not always been healthy in my ways. I think that when I went through a chunky stage in 5th and 6th grade and got teased it opened my eyes. Many people realize their unhealthy habits on a daily basis, but most people do not stop to think about what they can do to change those habits, which is why I am starting this blog. I feel as though it important to share what I know and what I have learned through others in order to help our society slim down. And I use this term loosely because the idea of this blog is not for everybody to get fit and sexy, it is to be HEALTHY. Not everybody can wear a size 2 and be healthy. Sure, some of us might be able to be that size doing unhealthy things to our body and for others, that is simply their body type. But the key for me is to exercise and eat healthy so that each one of us is around for as long as we can be.
For some of us, it might just be that we need the final urging to go ahead and change our unhealthy habits.For others, we have fallen into a rut where exercising and eating healthy is monotonous and boring. For still others, being healthy is a way of life and to you I give praise because it is extraordinary difficult to be healthy in all aspects of the term. For me personally, exercising is a way of life and each and every day I think about what I can do that will positively impact me for that individual day--maybe it's homework, or 2 extra squats, an extra mile on the treadmill, or something as simple as putting down that candy bar. Okay, that isn't really very simple is it! Anyways, the point is that being healthy first involves cutting out foods--for the most part--that drag us down and are simply empty calories.
Exercising can also do so much for us, such as improve oxygen flow, lower cholesterol, make our lungs, heart, and circulatory system healthier, and even stop or delay some diseases, such as diabetes. For those younger folks reading this right now and wondering how this affects them--I will straight up tell you that it does. Even though you think you are young and safe from issues such as these, you aren't. Diabetes can set in at any time. Not being healthy can actually result in your body's age being much, much older than your actual age. Exercising can also increase endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility and these four can help you in incredible ways. You probably still aren't convinced, but that's okay because I have an endless amount of blogs to share with you everything I have learned about exercising, eating healthy, and living life to its fullest. But for you, your life may end much too soon unless you begin healthy lifestyle today.
My initial goal here is to just reach out and help at least 1 person out there who is struggling to discover themselves. Who cannot seem to find that last straw to push them forward and become healthy. But don't worry, for all of you out there who have already turned to exercise and healthy eating, you will not be left out. I will be posting healthy recipes and exercises to help you along, as well, because I know just as well as anybody that a workout needs to be changed up to avoid becoming boring! I have learned a great deal through working with several trainers, physical therapists, and friends, but a great deal of my information will also come from fitness magazines that have just been phenomenal for me in helping me to find new ways to stay healthy. I realize that I am a female, so some of you guys out there might not feel interested, but I would love to have a male in on this so that everybody feels as though there is something they can do to positively change their lives. Just post a comment, and let me know if you are interested!
I hope that I have said something today that will either 1. Send you on your journey to being healthy 2. Make you decide to follow this blog, or 3. Help you realize what is important in your life. I have used bold font on words in this post that are meant to stick out to you, and I think it is obvious why. There are an endless amount of benefits to being healthy and in this quest, I plan to share everything I know about eating healthy and exercises to do to help you get in the best shape of your life. Thanks for reading, and check back soon for a new post!
Those Last 5 Pounds
Envious Arms
Did you know you could burn calories by doing THIS?!
Breakfast of Champions
Products to Help Along the Way
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